Why wear Shankari jewelry?

Shankari the Alchemist makes weapons of Light… tools for change that support your evolution.
These weapons are in the form of jewelry, sacred objects and wands.
In magical language a weapon is simply a tool whose function is to protect, (not injure others).

Shankari has incarnated with full knowledge from many life times of Alchemic service to the earth. She brings this ancient knowing to her work with gems and minerals, creating powerful tools for personal protection.
26012-8-12-81Why do you need protection? Why not!

Think of it like a condom… they protect you by blocking the flow of a certain type of energy (i.e. sperm). Sperm is neither good nor bad, but the flow can lead to misadventure. Condoms protect you against the outcome of indulging your senses and exchanging your fluids… a condom protects us against ourselves and the possibility of poor choices.

Shankari’s jewelry performs a similar service to the wearer. As energy moves towards you it is qualified by the surroundings. Some people want to literally “love you to death” through their smothering energy, while others feel compelled to put you down to make themselves feel better, there are many variations on this theme, for as long as you are human and engaging in society you will be the target of envious, jealous, angry or impatient people with an agenda to make themselves right about what is wrong … with you! (and everyone else in their world)
With the assistance of a Talisman of Power created by Shankari, all this energy can  pass you by, leaving you relaxed and confident in who you are and what you are here to do in this lifetime. All the chaotic energy you confront in your daily life is transmuted by the song of power created by the combination of gemstones and their placement in the whole.
In this manner they become valuable tools of power, with a secondary function as weapons of light designed to dispel the darkness within ourselves and transmute the external chaos into the energetic nourishment you need for your sustained spiritual evolution.
Shankari’s Talismans of Power are “Weapons of Light” and work through many different yet integrated dimensions..
Using the frequency of the gemstones and minerals she selects for each combination, Shankari creates a “song of power”, for you the wearer. This “song of power” initiates a new way of Being for your the wearer AND the onlooker.
“It is not possible to look at Shankari’s work and have no reaction.”
Simply looking at the sacred geometric shapes and color combinations in her work is to experience an activation in your deepest Being. You will hate or love her work… in equal measure to your ability to love or hate yourself and the world around you.
The ‘song of power’ supplied by the Shankari Talisman sets up a frequency for the wearer, qualified by their own energy and intent, thus it becomes a personalized tool of power.
Just as  a soldier does not go into battle without his weapons, so a light worker challenged on a moment to moment basis by their daily life needs a specific type of tool/weapon for there sustained balance under fire.

Throughout time those in positions of Power harnessed the energy of crystals, gemstones and precious metals for themselves.  The coronation ceremony for many European countries would not be possible without their “Crown Jewels”…

Shankari has many stories to tell.
How did she become a silver smith and what does she feel is the true purpose of her work?
Stay Tuned for more soon…

Maria wears Shankari

Originally uploaded by shankari33

Maria La Rocca wearing a Shankari pendant. There is something amazing about the way Shankari jewelry makes you feel.

At first you get dazzled by the wide selection but when you finally settle on a piece and then wear it you will know that unmistakable feeling.

A sense of confidence and elegance as you walk forward in your life with your energies potent and yet in a balance.
