Shankari the Alchemist makes weapons of Light… tools for change that support your evolution.
These weapons are in the form of jewelry, sacred objects and wands.
In magical language a weapon is simply a tool whose function is to protect, (not injure others).

Shankari has incarnated with full knowledge from many life times of Alchemic service to the earth. She brings this ancient knowing to her work with gems and minerals, creating powerful tools for personal protection.
26012-8-12-81Why do you need protection? Why not!

Think of it like a condom… they protect you by blocking the flow of a certain type of energy (i.e. sperm). Sperm is neither good nor bad, but the flow can lead to misadventure. Condoms protect you against the outcome of indulging your senses and exchanging your fluids… a condom protects us against ourselves and the possibility of poor choices.

Shankari’s jewelry performs a similar service to the wearer. As energy moves towards you it is qualified by the surroundings. Some people want to literally “love you to death” through their smothering energy, while others feel compelled to put you down to make themselves feel better, there are many variations on this theme, for as long as you are human and engaging in society you will be the target of envious, jealous, angry or impatient people with an agenda to make themselves right about what is wrong … with you! (and everyone else in their world)
With the assistance of a Talisman of Power created by Shankari, all this energy can  pass you by, leaving you relaxed and confident in who you are and what you are here to do in this lifetime. All the chaotic energy you confront in your daily life is transmuted by the song of power created by the combination of gemstones and their placement in the whole.
In this manner they become valuable tools of power, with a secondary function as weapons of light designed to dispel the darkness within ourselves and transmute the external chaos into the energetic nourishment you need for your sustained spiritual evolution.
Shankari’s Talismans of Power are “Weapons of Light” and work through many different yet integrated dimensions..
Using the frequency of the gemstones and minerals she selects for each combination, Shankari creates a “song of power”, for you the wearer. This “song of power” initiates a new way of Being for your the wearer AND the onlooker.
“It is not possible to look at Shankari’s work and have no reaction.”
Simply looking at the sacred geometric shapes and color combinations in her work is to experience an activation in your deepest Being. You will hate or love her work… in equal measure to your ability to love or hate yourself and the world around you.
The ‘song of power’ supplied by the Shankari Talisman sets up a frequency for the wearer, qualified by their own energy and intent, thus it becomes a personalized tool of power.
Just as  a soldier does not go into battle without his weapons, so a light worker challenged on a moment to moment basis by their daily life needs a specific type of tool/weapon for there sustained balance under fire.

Throughout time those in positions of Power harnessed the energy of crystals, gemstones and precious metals for themselves.  The coronation ceremony for many European countries would not be possible without their “Crown Jewels”…

Shankari has many stories to tell.
How did she become a silver smith and what does she feel is the true purpose of her work?
Stay Tuned for more soon…

The intent for change I expressed on New Years’ Eve seems to be bearing fruit already!
My intent is to change my patterns of my behavior so that I may expect something different (perhaps a miracle?) in my future, rather than rehashing the why’s ,how’s,and who’s of the past. I want to bypass all of the boring conversation and just get on with it!

Sooo…I accepted an invitation to awaken very early and travel to the other side of the island!


To perform the ceremony and invocation opening the New Year -Full Moon energy of the Ecstatic Dance Group (about 200 people  arrived for the opening-gasp!) Believe me when I say, this was breaking my patterns – I am nocturnal to the extreme. I usually perform ceremony at night, not mid-morning, after a 2 hour drive!

The outcome of meeting this challenge head-on and disciplining the voice of my indulged inner child that wanted to stay in bed because “I don’t do daytime ceremonies….I am useless in the daylight-why did I agree to such a challenging activity-I must be crazy!”
Ignoring those complaining voices in my head I made the journey with grace, supported by my two wonderful escorts Donny and Kirk from Crystal, who came to share our Christmas/New Year celebrations at the Mystery School in Hawaii, from San Francisco.

The Celebration  and Invocation were a great success at the Ecstatic Dance Venue by the ocean,surrounded by the scents and colors of the Hawaiian Spirit of Aloha (sharing our Ha- Breath), triggered something new inside my own soul.
I consciously felt a shift in my own energy and my destiny path became a little clearer and easier to comprehend.

Change creates Opportunity-it’s up to us to qualify the change and the opportunity in our life and act upon it in service to the Earth. From this new place of being we perceive in a new way. We are aligned in a new field of energy that consequently attracts new experience.

Yesterday upon our return from this unconventional date with Destiny, the evidence was immediate that things had changed for the better. There was along list of phone calls from people offering their support for the Mystery School. (I have often felt burdened and overwhelmed by the isolation of my role and my strong sense of duty and loyalty will never let me quit….so, suddenly people are offering to help!

The final wild,amazing moment of this day of change came just before midnight. A knock at the door is a rare thing out here on the Lava Desert at the end of the Universe….
It was my favorite musician, who struggles constantly with self-loathing, and that tragic pattern of today’s disenfranchised youth who live by the code of

“Poor Me…F@#k You.”

He had come to apologize…a very rare and amazing evolution…something I thought would never happen! Now we can play together again and open up to anew level of creative expression.

Change your personal patterns (what you put out there in the world that represents you) and be ready to deserve to be heard, you deserve to be supported, and you deserve to feel loved. Yes, yes, yes!!!

Blazing tales of wonder,

Remembering all that  we have ever been or are about to become,

Your Sister in chaos and comfort,

Shankari The Alchemist

The New Year’s Eve fire circle at Oceanview on the Big Island of Hawaii, at the Mystery School was spectacular! There were more guests than I had expected! People kept arriving from around the island and around the world.

I felt the presence of many ancient and future students and creative souls from around the world, around the sacred fire.

The Great Mother of all creation was kind to us. The trade winds were gentle and the night sky clear and sparkling with a billion stars. We performed ceremony directly under the Milky Way with the Moon and Jupiter as our sentinels. With the smell of Plumeria (Franjipani) and night blooming jasmine on the breeze, our spirits soared.

Each participant provided a piece- a poem, a song, a mantra, a musical interlude. The tapestry of grace and beauty created by their overlapping love was a breath taking experience.

We shared Pomegranate wine from a Persian Blue Glass Chalice and declared our intention for change and positive evolution then grounded our purpose with the energy of the Star Ruby in the crystal wand dedicated to the mystery school. Spirals of light from the grid mixed with the fire works as they spun in space.

I felt you there. I felt the energies of the planet re-aligning for the better. I felt in my bones how powerful we all are as a team intending to do good upon the Earth.

I believe in you and your power to make a difference!

I am ready, everyday adjusting to what IS and never complaining about what IS NOT. You are becoming masters of your own destiny. It is the skill to use what YOU HAVE to create WHAT YOU WANT, and never complaining, explaining, and dismissing our power to make a positive difference here and now, with what you have available NOW. Opening up to all possibilities, feeling the love of the universe lift us up and out of fear and sadness and into trust and joy!

We can make 2009 really wonderful because we are the ones having the experience. Choose to love and live in joy, the here and now, and live in appreciation-this is how to magnetically align to all good things.

Loving you from the inside out!

Blazing tales of Wonder, remembering all we have ever been and all we are about to become.

Your sister through chaos and comfort,

Shankari the Alchemist.

If you keep taking the same actions, thinking the same thoughts, going to the same places with the same people, having the same conversations about the same subjects, you will be stuck forever on the treadmill of life, bored and confused.

During my formative years I was fortunate to have a great teacher who shared with me some of the true secrets of success, as an evolving student of the mysteries. One of his constant themes was “Change Your Patterns”-Never create routines that take over and leave you in a mindless robotic state of being. When you break your patterns, you change your expectations.

bnr_purpleblue150x174px2Now it’s up to you, are you expecting things to get better or worse? Do you read the absence of an old pattern or friend as abandonment or freedom? For myself, this New Year Celebration is about letting go of old patterns of relationship that do not serve my highest good and taking on a new way of seeing and feeling about myself and my mission.

I warmly invite you to take a moment on New Year’s Eve to see yourself sitting by a sacred fire in Hawaii at the mystery school. Feel the warmth expand your heart. Hear the music and allow the memories within your soul self to bring you home to your own heart. Know that I am with you in your moment of sadness, I have cried and laughed and prayed out loud, let peace allow all that does not bring you joy to dissolve into the fire.

Lift your head and see the horizon with 270 degrees of Ocean View, The freedom of open  illuminated lava flows from ancient days, trade winds cleanse your soul, blowing gently through your spirit. Expand your potential, your happiness.

Be in the now, let everything else fall away so you can dance in the dawn of a new time on Earth. It’s up to you! No one else can do it for you! You must search for joy and freedom within your world and expand upon that!

Blazing tales of wonder, remembering all we have ever been and are about to become, letting go of judgment on ourselves and each other.

Shankari the Alchemist

p.s. Choosing Freedom, Creativity, Lightness and Joy, all targets for a successful New Year!

Hi Everyone,

We are all living through an extraordinary time in history. There is no denying it now!
I have been working on a mosaic floor for the front veranda of the Mystery School in Hawaii. I found a beautiful soft green tile  with silver streaks through it when I was last in Bali. I had it cut into dolphins especially for this project.

The world is spinning and seems to be spiraling into a cashless vacuum, I wonder where it all went? As I am working on the mosaic I find it very relaxing, it is a functional art form that allows for almost immediate reward for effort. For the this reason it makes me feel less frustrated at my own powerlessness as the world comes to terms with what is happening.

I was working on my mosaic tonight with the fire burning in the round. The fire pit surrounded by the twelve wise Fire Turtles who stand guard at the front of the school, thinking about this situation…..

We live in a closed circuit world! All the gold that was ever dug up from the earth is still here! It didn’t evaporate! All the silver that was ever mined is still on the earth. All the money in circulation…. None of this was shot off into space! Its all here on the earth, held in stockpiles by old family executors, in ancient secret stashed across the globe, from Zurich to Scotland to China….. And a million other places.

So I would like to say to you, the holders of these great stores of wealth that have been taken out of circulation in service to the common man and put into some investment that simply produces more paper rather than more jobs…. Congratulations! You have it all!

Now what?

I read some data recently and it struck me as sad…. The whole wealth of the USA is divided like this:

1% of the US population owns 70% of the wealth. Of the remainder 8%is owned by the Saudis. The remaining 22% is shared amongst the other 99% of the population. The most interesting statistic is that 20% of US citizens THINK they are in the 1%. !!! *smile*
I have just been in Bali designing my new collection. I was deeply absorbed in my work when I got the news that Obama had won the vote to become the next President of the US. The energy shift in the consciousness of the world that night was profound. I could feel it in the air, a kind of certainty of change for the better! A sense of excitement and hope….. Trust in the future… Be here now.

Be in joy, find your center, breathe, it is time to invest wisely in things that bring joy, peace and help sustain a true sense of self worth. This is the energy that came to me as I was designing, on the banks of a sacred river, deep in the rice fields of Bali….
I am here now in the Lava Desert of the Big Island, expressing my creativity in a different way. Sending lightness and love, wonder and the divine right for curiosity.
It is time for me to come out of my cave and share my gifts with the world… Don’t you feel like that?

I do!

Its time to stop taking it personally and step up to our destiny path with courage and strength. Perseverance and clear perception, I pray we may all be blessed with gifts that allow for wisdom to rise above ignorance.

Its time to get a voice and speak your piece. Let me know what you think, how you are handling things and which of my pieces inspires you the most and why!

Blazing Tales of Wonder, remembering all we have ever been and are about to become your sister through chaos and comfort Shankari xxx


As a child I was not afraid. I was adventurous and excited about everything. I felt anything was possible.
I have lived a chaotic life with a sense of internal order. This was provided by my deep sense of moral responsibility and social integrity taught to me by my parents’ attitudes and actions.

In this world that seems to be manipulated far beyond our control, where currencies rock to and fro and international capitalism is taking over from government control worldwide I ponder what happened? How did KBR,  Halliburton and Enron take so much from the middle class of the most wealthy, apparently highly educated, most advanced culture in the world? If they can destroy the lives of millions of hardworking, honorable citizens of their own country, just imagine what they are capable of doing to the rest of the world? (and indeed have already done)

Today I feel paralyzed! I need more than a cup of tea…I have to concentrate on my breathing just to stay focused on the task at hand.

Tomorrow I am sure I will feel better.
But today I feel overwhelmed by the world reality. I have come face to face with the boogie man of my childhood’s recurring dreams!
The big, dark, amorphous, unknowable quantity that threatens the life of my loved ones by their very presence…the vague feeling of a predator circling the house, planning their forced entry.
In my childhood dream, the Boogie man was slowly walking up the back steps, I was the only one awake and aware of the danger…I had to get these big heavy glass sliding doors closed before he came to the top step… the job was hard because the door was heavy and the tracks were full of sand…as they were in real life!

I always woke up from panic before I could get the sliding doors closed.
My adrenalin would finally wake me to my darkened bedroom and the knowledge of my parents presence. All was well. I could go back to sleep my family was safe.
My family is much bigger now, I have five children of my own, not simply my parents and my two siblings to save! My kids have five between them. I have over a hundred staff and many of these have worked for me for nearly two decades. I feel as if they are all my family and their families are my extended responsibility. There are the suppliers and their families, the distributors and their families; the broader base of individuals I touch by proxy through my work, which takes many forms in many different countries. All of whom I love for their willingness to choose personal evolution and live a rich, full life. This is my current global family.

To close the door on the Boogie man has become a much larger task, a more overwhelming responsibility…I wish I could wake from this dream and discover my darkened bedroom and my parents’ silent reassurance in the stillness of a suburban Sydney night.

The Super Class are running the world.  They always did, but now we get to be spectators to the destruction of the world as we knew it. In the past we were only ignorant pawns, now we are informed yet still powerless. Or are we?

The only sure thing is change!
Let’s make that change serve the majority of the world’s population, not the 6,000 or so who are indeed the ruling caste of the business called ‘planet earth’.
And please let’s get one thing really clear, we are not saving the Earth, we are saving ourselves and our children from “Idiocracy!” (Rent the movie if you haven’t already seen it! It stars Luke Wilson). It is far bigger and deeper than we care to think and we are the only chance for change. Can we do it?

I saw ‘Battle in Seattle” last night, set in 1999 about the WTO demonstrations. (World Trade Organization, where profit is put before people on a constant basis!) This movie was an education and gives me context… for the evolution over the last nine years…

I remember 1999 very well, it was the year they finally had “free” elections in Indonesia, and because the favorite candidate was somehow not elected the people blocked all the roads into Bali, until the government acquiesced and made Mega Wati the Vice President!
They have been fixing elections since the beginning of time! Looking back I can see the trends globally of what has occurred. Through Desert Storm in ’91, the internet became a tool for the average person — every person across the globe had the opportunity to be connected…that really was the death knell of the world as we knew it! Oil wars and CNN providing war entertainment/education/bad news 24/7 began at the same time.

What sort of difference does it make to the global elite to have an educated, empowered, middle class?  They can’t get away with as much any more! So what’s the best thing to do?
Pull the rug out from under them, that righteous middle class! Let them go back to worrying about survival, let’s see how much free time they will have to research our activities then!

Through chaos and comfort,
remembering all we have ever been and are about to become…
Your sister Shankari the Alchemist

p.s. Comments please…

Money and God? So what’s up with that? #4
Self Worth.
Heard it all before…OK…..What the hell does that really mean?

I have regularly had to remember a particular story for the sake of my own survival and self worth as a creative individual in a world full of criticism and judgment, in Australia to begin with… the land of  “The Tall Poppy Syndrome!”

What’s that? That’s when everyone around you who is supposed to love and support you wants to ‘bring you down to size’… for your own good of course!
The story is a Grimm’s Fairy Tale I heard when I was very young. It stuck with me because of it’s profound yet simple message.
It goes something like this…(I am sure it has been changed in small details over the years but the moral is the same!)

There was once a small family, an old man and his wife who were raising a young orphaned boy. They had little money to survive the winter so it was decided the old man and the young boy would take the couples one and only donkey to market and sell it for the best price they could. Then they would buy their winter provisions so they could survive another year.

The market was miles away. They had to wake before sunrise and prepare to travel a long way through many villages to the big central market where they could get the best price.
The old man set off for the market with a the young boy perched atop the donkey. As they passed through the first village he could hear the villages whispering to eat other out loud…’what a cruel young man, making that poor old fellow walk while he sits up there like little Lord Muck!’

The old man was confused and distracted. Perhaps these people had a point, he was getting tired. He also didn’t want anyone to think so poorly of his young charge, so on the outskirts of the village they changed positions and set out upon the next part of the journey
with the old man riding the donkey and the young boy walking alongside. As they passed through this next village, (despite the old mans confidence in the new seating arrangement) a remarkable thing happened, the villages were all whispering once again!

This time they were saying, ‘look at that terrible old man, sitting up there like the king of the castle while that poor little boy walks in the dust! He should be ashamed of himself!’
On the outskirts of this village the old man dismounted and pondered what to do to get approval. What is the right thing to do? Suddenly he felt he had the answer! ‘That’s it! You get up first kid and then I will sit behind you. This is a very young strong donkey he won’t mind if we both get a lift from him. ‘
Passing through the next village they encountered a whole different group of villagers who whispering loudly as they passed shared their distress at the ill treatment of the donkey! And the foolishness of the passengers…

‘Have you ever seen anything so stupid?
Making that donkey carry two able bodied men on it’s way to market! How could they hope to get the best price when it arrives dusty and exhausted? They should be carrying the donkey in a cart or something, so it would be in its finest condition for sale! What fools they are!’

The minute they were on the outskirts of this village, the old man slipped off the back of the donkey bringing the boy with him, he was deep in thought. Those people had a point too! I should have thought of that!
‘I know, we will dust off the donkey, then tie its feet together and carry it the rest of the way on a big pole, that way it will have a rest and look the better for it when we arrive at the market!’ said the old man to the young boy… who was just a little shocked at the idea of carrying the donkey… he didn’t really think he could do it! He knew he wasn’t big enough, or strong enough for such a task.

This seemed to have slipped the old mans mind in the excitement of approval seeking and surface problem solving.
The young boy did his best… and to tell the truth the donkey was too heavy for the old man too! He was no spring chicken! By the time they had struggled to the bridge with the donkey tied to the pole, they were gasping for breath and seeing the stars of low blood pressure (since they were poor and rarely got enough protein).
The donkey having had enough, chose this moment to try one last big wiggle to get free.
At this point the old man and the young boy lost complete control over the beast on the pole. In its panic to be free it had successfully thrown itself over the bridge and came crashing down on the rocks, dead and broken.
The old man and the young boy were flabbergasted! All their resources for the winter… gone. Who was responsible for this disaster?

*Was it the villagers with their constant criticism?
People will always criticize you… always know better, always have something to say….. this is where your power for discernment comes in. Discernment is different from judgment. Judgment holds emotional charge, that means what’s happening makes you angry or you feel powerless or hurt in someway (your self worth is challenged) and this is your response… discernment has no emotional charge, (your self worth is not challenged because you know who you are and you trust your plan) … it’s simply the best decision to make for success!

Which in this case may have been to wear ear plugs and change riders after each village so both would have a rest and the donkey would not be over worked before it arrived for sale…

*Or was it the old man for being available for that criticism because he had no strong mind or confidence of his own? Or because he wouldn’t admit he was already old and not able to carry the donkey? But wait a minute, didn’t he and his wife take in a homeless boy and commit their meager resources to his support, does this not have great and meaningful value to society as a whole?

Why is he stupid if he is just all heart?
We are trained to obey the rules of society, to listen to and participate in small talk and gossip! We are constantly pressured into agreement with the ‘group mind’. We want approval from the general public because they surrogate for our parents. The fourth commandment rules! We do our best to get approval from wherever it is available… with the resources we have available… until we have enough self confidence (self approval) that the approval of the group mind becomes secondary.

It is important that you realize this important fact… often overlooked by the critics… it is only from this process that the genius of the world is revealed and progress is achieved. If everyone agreed with the group mind constantly there would be no progress, no new music, no new art, no new ideas, there would be eventual brain numbing social boredom… sound familiar? Progress is slow!
*Is it the young boy?… he never spoke up and supported the old man in making the right choice. Did he even speak up and tell his own truth when he was incapable of carrying the donkey?                           

As human beings our greatest gift from the Divine is our ability to be independent thinkers. This is what makes us the most dangerous predator on earth! We like the comfort of the herd mentality, we like to go unnoticed, while we are sure we know ‘the truth… but cannot speak up’… because we have no self worth. With no self worth we fear our words go unnoticed or will bring derision from others and make us look stupid or weak… all this happens when you reveal your true feelings! With no self worth you cannot afford to step forward… you are literally too poor!

Self worth is connected to self respect, self love and self esteem. Respect, love, esteem, these are the qualities we offer an honored parent or The God Force, now you must shine those three lights upon yourself… Self Respect, Self Love and Self Esteem, these are the components of Self Worth, with them you can go any where and do anything! Because you are worthy in your own mind, which is indeed connected to the mind of God… which is connected to everything else… including the gossip mongering crowds that surround you daily…making your every thought a reality…. have a reality worthy of the power you hold to create what you really want… you are worth it!

The old man and the young boy could have said to the rest of the world (the villagers) I am on my own mission, I am doing it my own way, thank you for your advice however I have my own plan and my own purpose and you do not know everything about me or my kind friend who is helping me in my pursuit to survive in this hostile world!
Be sure to thank your world for kind thoughts… and allow all other stuff to fall to the ground as manure for the vegetable garden that will make you stronger tomorrow… Why? Because….this is the truth about you and me… remember to say this often to yourself so you can focus your intent and ignore the small stuff…
“…there is nothing more beautiful than that which dwells within me, The Godforce beyond all life, I give abundantly as I receive abundantly, The Living Spirit within all things, Hum-Sah, I am That!”
(15%/24hr coupon: SW20081015)
Blessings to you all this Aries full moon. Wow! I guess we survived the battle it brought and now we will get on with picking up the pieces… Blazing tales of wonder, remembering all we have ever been and are about to become, your sister through chaos and comfort,
Riding the waves of change…Shankari the Alchemist xxxxx

Shankari Jewelry

What is the upside and downside of your relationship between financial wealth and freedom?

FREEDOM AND WEALTH…can you have both?

What is “freedom” to you?
Freedom for the individual is a very new concept!
In the past the individual’s wishes had to be subservient to the family, because with no family you had “no place” in life. The family was not free because it was responsible to the community, and ultimately to the King or the Government. The family fortune could be wiped out in a heart beat by a jealous king…(obviously things haven’t changed that much).
To this day across most of the world people are judged and judge others by their family connections…be they humble or lofty, they represent our physical beginnings and placement on earth. Your identity as an individual begins in the context of your family background.


Poem by Shankari
written in Bali: May 2008

Soft warm breeze
coconut fronds rustling… waltzing
through the velvet night

Sacred sounds

Temple bells, flutes and gongs
Keening in the twilight
I am humbled at the beauty of the earth.

Grateful to The Divine Mother of all Creation …

Night blooming jasmine
Activates my bliss

Silver shafts of moonlight
pierce the shadow of the Frangipani
dappling the grass beneath my feet

Dripping dew in abundance
bougainvillea heavy with blossoms bring me to my knees in awe

Forever grateful for Her patience
and the privilege of the dance!
I move from strength to strength
Ready to take the chance… to trust in her love



That might seem too good to be true for some people. Imagine if you spent the first hour of every work day doing meditation, yoga and singing. Shankari the Alchemist, the world renowned designer of Talismans of Power by Shankari pays her staff to do just that. During the first hour of every work day Shankari’s staff meet at eight am in a modest sized ballroom with carved stone dragon pillars and timber flooring.

Shankari’s staff start each day with a combination of meditation, yoga and sacred Hindu Chants. When asked why she does this for her staff Shankari says,

“People who are balanced and happy do great work. The first hour of each day is an investment in the quality of the work. It sets the tone for the rest of the day and the good will created carries into each piece of jewelry and ultimately to the wearer. This creates a product that not only looks great but it has spiritual integrity as well. I think consumers really care about that sort of thing. These days you must walk your talk to be taken seriously.”

The quality of their work really shows. Shankari’s team are responsible for creating some of the most magnificent jewelry the world has ever seen. Don’t take my word for it. Have a look your self and you be the judge.

Maybe there is something to it after all. The smiling happy faces are hard to miss around her small Bali factory. It is nice to know that the people who make it actually care about the subtle qualities as much as the physical appearance of Shankari’s amazing jewelry.

So know I know the secret to why Shankari jewelry makes me feel so good when I wear it. It’s like a home cooked meal. Created with love by people who care.
